Xmos - fantastic hardware.
Its not really 16 cores, its two 500MHz CPUs with 8 virtual cores each. You might ask so what? well, its HOT. Eight 70MHz cores would consume less energy, but take more silicon space. Xcore claims 800mW for 8 core chip, but starter kit takes probably about 2 watts and gets really HOT.
We are talking bitbanging pins at >60MHz. Serializers/deserializers, complex GPIO clocking schemes, buffering. If a signal you want to play with is <100MHz you can use xcore instead of FPGA. C instead of verilog is very nice.
support doesnt exist. Looks like they have no staff manning the support forum, unanswered threads sit there for months. Documentation is an equal mess. They practically kept secret what chip is inside StartKit !?!? It takes a while to figure things on your own (or maybe their business model is milking for paid support).
dev tool (eclipse) requires online registration, you cant just download tools and install offline, feels like online drm
power consumption comparable to fpga
All in all think of it as an FPGA programmed in C. Want to process 10 i2S streams? no problem. Want to bitbang ethernet? sure! Interface your weird ass custom serial doohickie? there you go. Plus they start really cheap at ~$3, cheaper than comparable FPGA (except Lattice).