I'll relate my recent experiences fixing my Tek TDS350 scope. Even though it is a generation (or two) earlier than the TDS3054, perhaps what happened to me may offer a hint. I had a very flaky second channel that completely disappeared at V/div settings < 50 mV. I stuck an ohmmeter across the BNC input jacks and measured the expected 1M on channel one, but only about 600K on channel #2. On a hunch that maybe there was some voltage present at the jack, I switched the DMM to volts, only to find about 7 VDC coming out of channel #2's BNC. I'm still not sure how since the hybrid preamp daughterboard has Vcc = 5V. Anyway, the 7 volts dropped down significantly with even the slightest load (100K) on it. So my conclusion was that hybrid board #2 was toast. Fortunately, I was able to cheaply procure another one which ultimately fixed the scope. And yes, great fun removing the 45-pin input board! But what I really want to report is that at least in the TDS350, nothing really works correctly until ALL the calibrations have successfully been made (Compensation, Vert, Horiz, Trigger). For instance, even though I thought channel #1 was fine, the variable V/div control was non-functional, the baseline traces were all over the place, the trigger point was incorrect, etc. Even after I cal-ed the Vert, Horiz and Trigger (with the replaced input hybrid #2), it still didn't work right. Only when the final SPC calibration was done did the scope work satisfactorily. While the subject TDS3054's fault may indeed be hardware, keep an eye on the calibration if and when you fix it!