I just wanted to chime in and say this video is extra helpful for me right now. I'm working on redesigning a board for our product and wanted to add test functionality. Our production is incredibly low (specialized industry equipment; <100 per year) but it's a pain to debug a board without adequate test connections. When I say I'm redesigning it, I mean literally right now — to be completed in a month or so. So it was extra helpful to reconsider a card-edge break-out of test pins, and the suggestion to add power and current test/limiting to the test bench.
Excellent work, and thanks!
(By the way, your worry about the virtual ground may be alleviated some in the case that only one board would be powered at a time. I'm not sure what happens to the output pin of an unpowered op-amp, but I believe it floats, so with only one board powered at a time, you could actually test every board. Maybe once verifying the virtual ground on the most-likely-test to cause an error, power them all and run through quick.)