Having once worked at a test gear manufacturer I can give some insight into why there'll be a few bodges on the boards.
The early demonstrator models are part of the initial pre-production run. These are built and tested using the normal production facilities, but with design support. Some of these will then be used for the qualification testing, full temperature tests, both operational and storage, vibration, EMC and a whole load more detailed testing that would be carried out in production. Sometimes these tests bring up issues that require minor mods to a board and this will often be replicated across most of the batch. It's not unusual for the first couple of units to have components changed by designers who are not expert solderers just to prove that the mod works as intended. Once everyone is happy then some of these units become demo models, others will be used for accelerated and highly accelerated life tests and production will be allowed to ramp up, sometimes carrying on with minor board mods and sometimes waiting for a board respin and any associated requalification.