lol, Open Source means "everybody can and will for sure clone my products".
Do you really think a product, build down to the price, programmed by underpaid engineers (or even students)
can be improved with open source?
Not really, there is no room for ANY kind of competitions/lose of money - and open source is competition
and lose of money (where is linksys now? they already gone, and i know ppl who got fired there).
This can only work when you protect your design by custmized hardware, when nobody else can get the specific
chip/asic they you can publish any kind of info and work with open source ppl (but then still someone, if there
is enough profit, will clone your custom chip).
There is even no need for anything else than some simple improvements in code (due the language
differences it is important to make pictures, videos, what so ever, to document exactly what is bad and how can be done better)
, they can be done by their engineers (or even students, heh), all you need to do is to push ATTEN (as i did with Tekway/Hantek).
All they care about is profit, nothing else. Bad reviews on highly known forums, lot of emails - this all are
the things they worry about - to not lose a single cent - but not a open source proposals^^.