Hey linux-works,
Assuming you're a linux programmer, aren't you ? Please, if you had a chance, take a peek at above linux based programmer, whether its possible to make it to support the Cypress Semi FM1608 "F-RAM" chip ? Datasheet ->
HereWhy ? Simple, since you have the Tek 2465B, and the main reason you bought this is you're going to backup & refresh the Dallas DS1225Y chip, right ?
I'm trying to find a better alternative to this pesky battery based SRAM chip with above F-RAM based chip.
The only differences from Dallas is only this ->
"DS1225 needs the Chip Enable (CE) pin to be enabled "once" for multiple read/write operations, while the FM1608 needs the CE pin to be "toggled or switched to low state" at every read/write operation, the memory address changed and latched on CE 's edge, not the state/condition of the CE pin, whiled everything else are identical."
I have these below sitting gathering dust since I bought them on impulse without checking the details and I was "assuming" its compatible with the DS1225.