I checked the shorted output of the 3456a at n~ 1000 and it read like your ~ 5 x10
-15. Hours later change in variance suggests the 3456a does drift [ as expected] but its tiny, and still underneath its rated 10ppm at 24h.
I think I can separate the noise from the drift component. Noise causes continuous measurement fluctuations but the
net variance mean is ~ 0 [unless its not white noise!], while the drifting shifts the baseline and affects the variance; as analogy noise is to a sine wave riding a DC offset, which represents drift.
I find the biggest cause of drift despite a temperature controlled room remains diurnal shifts caused by day and night in the 24 h period, that's when my measures deteriorated to 2.9 x 10
-14 at 24h, and assuming a stable climate [ i.e., no storms to drastically affect humidity or pressure .] If you measure n=1000 at night for a few hours or in the day for a few hours assuming a stable period where ambient conditions wont' change drastically, the variances are identical, but if you string the two diurnal changes together, which includes all the ambient condition shifts, the drift component shows itself.
What about the 24h drift of the gain? For short term (transfer) measurements you can usually ignore drift and expect noise to limit the accuracy, but I wouldn't expect this to be the case over a 24h period. Any estimates from measuring the references?