So what's the take-away from all this
I can speak only for my self.
My own take -away is that there is some software related bugs.
The findings is so fresh , that every one here scratches his head head about them.
And if I was aware , that the firmware update process on this thing ,
is possible to happen by just using the USB-IRDA modem, and some sort of updating software that works in windows
( like flashing the Bios in your motherboard), I would feel safe and relaxed.
PetrosA nicely described the root of the problem , by saying : signals aren't getting mixed ( by properly using the range switch).
My own technical instinct as troubleshooter , was telling me same thing from the start ,
And if you check this thread and my messages ,
I had point out repeatedly that the proper use of the range switch, can minimize software related glitches , if there is any.
Lets hope that the boys in Agilent, could deal with the software problems equally fast ,
as the people from ASUS does , about Bios releases for their motherboards.
I feel bad by watching one so perfect engineering ( parts related ) ,
to loosing face due software bugs.
Time will tell , if our predictions haves any real base , but it is very soon for any reliable answers in your questions.
Stay close to this forum, and you will be from the first ones , who will know how it goes.