I was going to build a power supply, but I was in Sayal electronics (hobby shop in Canada) and came across a 150W power supply board with 3.3V/6A, 5V/3A, 12V/1A , 12V/300mA and 35v/800mA outputs. For $6. I can't buy the parts for that price! No instructions, but once I got it figured out (one of them needs a load or you get a ~800mH sawtooth wave) they all provide a nice steady ripple-free output. I figure on putting it in a box, adding some jacks and maybe an LM317 with a pot on the 35v leg to make it adjustable. A cooling fan on the 12V/300mA leg should make a nice load (I've got a 220 ohm resistor on there at the moment)