To my mind, the bipolar capability of the original uCurrent was a stroke of genius that it would be sad to lose!
Looking at using a 9V battery supply for the new design, so enough range to give decent bipolar supply.
Could do some sort of user switched split rail system to get the best of both worlds though.
9V battery would be awesome, I go through a lot of CR2032 batteries - 50 hours sounds like a lot, but sometimes an experiment can run a long time and it becomes an issue. The extended range would be super useful too, of course. You probably wouldn't need a switchable split rail system with 9V because the overlap between the ranges would now be "big enough" to be able to find a home... But a switchable split rail would definitely be a cool thing for edge cases!
Another idea for the suggestion box: Quite frequently, I am trying to monitor small currents between large pulses. The uCurrent as it stands doesn't work so well for that, because the 10K shunt is in use to measure the small currents - sadly, the 10K resistance stops the DUT from being able to draw its occasional "breath" of high current, so it malfunctions.
A possible solution to that is to add a couple of (switchable) shunt by-pass diodes for the 10K shunt - perhaps a pair of low Vf Shottkys, or even transistors wired as diodes to minimize drop. That way, you can monitor ultra low currents over a long time period on your scope, and not have the DUT crash if it occasionally needs to inhale a large pulse of current.
I usually end up putting a diode externally to work around this problem. - Maybe something better than a diode could be used, to give a more clearly defined characteristic, but the ability to actually measure the high current pulse is not necessary. All we are looking to do is allow the DUT to keep working when drawing too much current for the nA range. After all, you can just switch to a higher range and measure the pulse there, if that's what you want to do.
[Edit: the 10 ohm shunt should probably also be included in this scheme, as it too is capable of dropping enough voltage during a pulse to worry the DUT]