It doesn't matter when you do the comparison, it's always going to be "unfair" to someone.
True, but
It's true so therefore you don't get any buts!
If I did it tomorrow there'll be another but, and another after that and another after that.
at this very point, only the 1GHz model of the RTM3K is drastically discounted. Actually, while many of us dream of a >= 1GHz scope, very few hobbyists will be willing to invest >= 10k-20k USD/€.
Who said it was aimed at hobbyists?
So a 500MHz shootout would have been probably more interesting for the target audience and also a logical step when including the MSO7000. And when comparing the 500MHz models right now, even the base model RTM3k-54 (without MSO option) costs more than twice as much as an SDS5054X.
So 500MHz is hobbyist price friendly but 1GHz is not?
Sorry, not buying it.
Why 500Mhz? Why not 350MHz so we can include the popular R&S RTB2000?
The shootout options will always be endless, my video is what it is.
Besides, the current Rigol discount for the DS7000/MSO7000 doesn't only include all options, but also a frequency upgrade for the 250MHz and 300MHz models.
So buying a MSO7054 ($11299) instead of an MSO7034 ($8299) would make as much sense as buying the RTM3K base model right now.
Sure, like I said in the videos, there are always differences in pricing and deals and countries etc.
Always re-do your own local price evaluation!