Smoke from virtually all plastics is extremely unhealthy, even if its not recognized to be so yet, innumerable dangerous chemicals were just grandfathered in with no testing because they have been used for a long time.
The world of
plastics is a ticking time bomb especially because of so called
endocrine disrupting chemicals comminly used in many of them that persist in and build up in the environment and in people, causing cryptic effects related to many aspects of our biology.. particularly those that are hormonally related. (The list of serious - in many cases - like cancers, life threatening conditions which seem to be rising because of these chemicals is very long.)
Increasing exposure to these chemicals which in many cases were known to be unhealthy before they started being used commonly, is known to be causing a plethora of extremely costly health conditions throughout the entire world as the amounts of them in peoples bodies increases. (see Also, "flame retardants" used to slow down combustion in many products are a set of chemicals that contains some extremely nasty chemicals many of which that have known, serious health effects, also they persist in the body and its exceedingly hard to get rid of them.
Like many plasticizers, many flame retardants also cause endocrine disruption.
It seems that rising exposure to EDCs is also behind some substantial amount of the
rising rates of metabolic disorders (many) and obesity we're seeing, as obesity and related health issues in both animals and humans clearly increase in direct proportion to
obesogen exposure to both the animal/person and its mother, in other words, for some reason we don't understand this exposure's
obesogenic effect is inherited.
They change the body's energy set points.
All of this is the subject of a great deal of research right now and what is emerging isn't good. Its terrifying. It threatens both human and animal reproduction.
Because of exposure to various chemicals, as a group electronics industry workers are at substantially increased risk it seems.
Example search: this reason people should do as much as they can to reduce or eliminate their exposure to whatever can be reduced, such as fumes generated by hot plastics and other substances used in electronics. Also minimize dermal exposure by washing hands frequently. Minimize dust in the environment by vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum while aggressively ventilating to minimize inhaling dusts. It might even make sense to wear a high quality (I wear a magenta P-100 half face HEPA particulate filter face mask) while doing so, thats what I do.