This is a slightly improved version tested with radare 3.1 git.
The documentation for radare is shall we say "sparse" and every backend seems to have multiple layers of indirection and slightly different ways of going about it, especially for the assembler.
But once you found a way it works quite nicely. This is also not very complete and thus minimalistic because I dont know what the best way to de/encode the instructions is.
The table approach has the advantage of being inversible i.e the dissassembler is the inverse of the assembler, but its quite pointless to do it in this manor for instructions that take addresses etc.
Use the makefile from above.
make && sudo make install
and then you can do
rasm2 -a padauk -d 0x0073
to get "popaf" or
rasm2 -a padauk 'addc a'
to get "0x0060"
and you also get stuff like this
rasm2 -a padauk 'nop; ret; reti; addc a; sr a;'
rasm2 -a padauk -d 0x0000006000720073
for free
/* Padauk (dis)assembler plugin for radare 3.1 git - DocBen 2018 */
#include <r_asm.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <string.h>
static struct {
ut16 op;
char *name;
} ops[] = {
{0x0000, "nop"},
{0x0060, "addc a"},
{0x0061, "subc a"},
{0x0062, "izsn a"},
{0x0063, "dzsn a"},
{0x0064, "?"},
{0x0065, "?"},
{0x0066, "?"},
{0x0067, "pcadd a"},
{0x0068, "not a"},
{0x0069, "neg a"},
{0x006c, "src a"},
{0x006d, "slc a"},
{0x006a, "sr a"},
{0x006b, "sl a"},
{0x006e, "swap a"},
{0x006f, "?"},
{0x0070, "wdreset"},
{0x0071, "?"},
{0x0072, "pushaf"},
{0x0073, "popaf"},
{0x0074, "?"},
{0x0075, "reset"},
{0x0076, "stopsys"},
{0x0077, "stopexe"},
{0x0078, "engint"},
{0x0079, "disgint"},
{0x007b, "reti"},
{0x007a, "ret"},
{0x007c, "mul"},
{0x007d, "?"},
{0x007e, "?"},
{0x007f, "?"},
{0x4000, NULL}};
int _PADAUKDisass (RAsm *a, RAsmOp *op, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
int i;
op->size = 2;
const char *buf_asm = "unknown";
for (i=0; ops[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (ops[i].op == 0x100 * buf[0] + buf[1]) {
buf_asm = sdb_fmt ("%s", ops[i].name);
r_strbuf_set (&op->buf_asm, buf_asm);
return op->size;
int _PADAUKAss (RAsm *a, RAsmOp *op, const char *buf) {
int i;
op->size = 2;
ut16 opbuf = 0x4000;
const char *buf_hex = "unknown";
for (i = 0; ops[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (!strncmp(ops[i].name, buf, strlen(ops[i].name))) {
opbuf = ops[i].op;
buf_hex = sdb_fmt ("0x%.4X\n", opbuf);
r_strbuf_set (&op->buf_hex, buf_hex);
return op->size;
RAsmPlugin r_asm_plugin_padauk = {
.name = "padauk",
.arch = "padauk",
.license = "LGPL3",
.bits = 16,
.desc = "Padauk (dis)assembler",
.disassemble = &_PADAUKDisass,
.assemble = &_PADAUKAss,
#ifndef CORELIB
struct r_lib_struct_t radare_plugin = {
.type = R_LIB_TYPE_ASM,
.data = &r_asm_plugin_padauk