That's not ferrite and it's definitely not powdered iron, that's got to be nanocrystalline and nothing else.

Most likely Vacuumschmeltze, probably or similar.
Oh s***t, it's blue! I don't know, I can't find the actual one, this looks like the closest, but still could work. I couldn't find a way to source the cores, always hard here in Argentina, if someone can source them would be cool to see some tests.
Never seen any in blue, I wonder if they got them as special order, or if there's another mfg I don't know about. IIRC, it was just VAC and HMG (former Metglas) doing rapid-quench materials, but maybe there's new ones from China I don't know about?
Checking, I see very little on Ali Express, so probably not.
Hf response would only depend on the parasitic inductance and capacitance, to keep inductance low they have twisted the wires, to get low capacitance low turns count and thick insulators, the tricky part is the low frequency. I do have some audio transformers I could use, they go up to tens of kHz but LF response is better than seen in the first video, having a few Henry inductance, after that a different transformer could jump in and make up for the rest of the way.
HF response is easily calculated from the transmission line length. It's a transmission line transformer, simple as that. The twisted pair will have Zo ~ 100 ohms, so that for a step input, each port of the transmission line looks like 100 ohms. That is, the equivalent circuit for short transients is:
pri start -- 100 ohms -- sec start
| |
~open circuit ~open circuit
| |
pri end -- 100 ohms -- sec start
The open circuit is because the core gives the transmission line a very large common mode impedance, i.e., the two ports act as ideal ports, with no common mode connection (again, for short transients, but as it turns out, also for rather low frequencies, down to ~Hz).
After one transmission line delay, the start and end waves interfere with each other, and normal transformer action is had.
Note that this does NOT magically have extreme CMRR -- there's as little as 100 ohms, directly from primary to secondary (again, for short transients). At frequencies well below the electrical length, it approximates as a capacitance from each end of primary, to the respective ends of the secondary. (The exact capacitance can be calculated from line length and impedance.)
Likewise, leakage inductance is the LF equivalent of transmission line inductance, and can be calculated from length and impedance.
If the line is, say, 5m long (to take a ballpark guess), and vf ~ 0.8, then Cp = 208pF (total, so, say, 104pF where the 100 ohmses are indicated above), and LL = 1.67uH.