Worse than Doc is sending as PDF that is only readable with Adobe reader, not any of the other PDF engines. Plain flat text does not need fields, form submit, embedded remote images, fancy non included and specialised fonts, and other tracking and cruft in it. Or something in docx format, when a lot of people use older versions of Office ( because it was paid for, and no need to upgrade for no real reason) or Libreoffice or OOffice, which sometimes has issues with the MS "interpretation" of what is a standard openxml definition.
Spellcheck at a minimum, using a localised dictionary ( no color or aluminum) for your country. TURN OFF AUTOCORRECT! That can and will mangle any document with anything other than plain 'Good morning how is the weather' into something that makes Chinglish look good.
As well, when it is an important document, when finished save it. Then proofread it, correct the glaring errors and save a V2 draft. Then have a 2 minute break, preferably away from the computer. go to the bathroom, have a wash and then go get something to drink and drink it ( preferably water) then come back with a new look and redo the proofread. Then save V3 and send this last draft.
I did this with this post, hopefully I did not make many mistakes.