Hi all,
Thank you for all the help! I bought a DS1052E direct from Rigol USA. It arrived in about 2 days, not bad. Within an hour, I had it changed to a DS1102E.
It would have been faster, but I ran into a couple of (minor) glitches. First I had a non-working USB (duh!). The next USB was 32 gb formatted in FAT32. The FAT32 USB did not work. After a bit of work I learned that the disk should be FAT16. I have a Mac OSX, it is a bit hard to format in MSDOS FAT 16. To do so you must (per that Apple website):
To format the SD card, you will need the path to the SD card device and the SD card device number.
1. Insert the SD Card into a card reader.
2. If you don't know how to find the device number of the SD Card, here is one way to do it:
2b. Open Disk Utility
2c. Highlight the SD Card device (upper icon), not the SD Card volume (lower icon)
2d. Click Erase at the top of the window
2e. Select *Volume Format: MS-DOS (FAT)* Click Erase... > Click Erase
The SD Card Volume Name will change to the UNIX device number e.g. "disk5s1". Note this number as it will change by itself to "Untitled". It is now formatted in MS-DOS FAT 32. We need to reformat it in FAT 16.
Once you have the device number of the SD Card, you need the path to the SD card device.
3. For my Mac, the path to devices is "/dev". In a terminal window: type "cd /dev" and hit the "Return" key to go to the "dev" directory. Then type "ls" (with a lower case L) and "Return" key. You should see the SD Card device number listed.
Formatting the SD Card in FAT 16:
4. In Disk Utility, highlight the SD Card device and click Unmount at the top, not Eject. The desktop icon of the SD card will disappear.
5. Go to the Terminal window. Be careful to type the following command with the correct letter case and spacing. Again, make sure you type the correct device number and path as *you can very easily erase your hard drive in UNIX.*
Type the command:
*newfs_msdos -F 16 (path to SD Card device)/(SD Card device number)*
e.g. newfs_msdos -F 16 /dev/disk5s1
and hit the "Return" key.
6. If you get just a new prompt (or a prompt with some warnings, e.g. below), the command executed successfully. You can remove the SD Card; it is now formatted in FAT 16. You can verify this in Disk Utility after mounting the SD Card.
If you get some instructions on the newfs_msdos command with a new prompt, the command did not execute. Make sure you enter the command with the correct case and spacing. Hint: to re-enter a previous command you typed, hit the up arrow repeatedly. For more information, type: "man newfs_msdos". Scroll with arrow keys. Type "q" to quit and return to prompt.
Warnings Example
newfs_msdos: warning: /dev/disk5s1 is not a character device
/dev/disk5s1: 1998208 sectors in 62444 FAT16 clusters (16384 bytes/cluster)
bps=512 spc=32 res=1 nft=2 rde=512 mid=0xf0 spf=244 spt=32 hds=128 hid=0 bsec=1998738
This did not work (I think that a 32gb drive is too large for FAT16 to fully address. Stuck it in the Rigol: no go. I found a cheap USB drive (less than 1gb) and formatted it as above.
Popped it into the Rigol: moments late it told me to press "OK" and Voila: DS1102E.
I would like to learn how I can (easily) confirm that it is actually capable of 100mhz bandwidth. Any suggestions?