You aren't going to see much of interest in Normal or Auto sweep modes if you just play music into the scope channel. Since music is a dynamic, always changing signal, that is what the scope will show you, and it won't make much sense. You can use Single Shot sweep mode to capture a... single shot ); a snapshot if you will, of the instantaneous music signal and that will be interpretable, if you know how to interpret it!
(There is a difference between simply using the Auto sweep mode, and what the AUTO setup button will give you.... Please don't confuse these two usages of the word "auto" in your scoposcopy

It would be better, in my opinion, to play some constant signals, that is, signals with constant amplitude and frequency. Such as square, sine, triangle ramp, etc. which can be gotten from any number of computer or cellphone signal generator applications. Vary pitch, vary duty cycle, vary amplitude in the generator application and watch what that does to the signal on the oscilloscope.
It is by using the X-Y mode of the oscilloscope that you can get extremely interesting things from real-time sound or musical input.
But that's a more advanced topic for later...