Try a circuit like Oceanslider posted *way* back in reply#2.

As I noted back in reply#20, the
AH49E Hall sensor datasheet tells us the speed control sensor output *cannot* be rail to rail, and I noted that it could typically swing from 0.8V to 4.2V assuming a 5.0V supply. However the actual sensor + magnet assembly is likely to have a lesser range - the magnet may not be strong or close enough to reach max. output, and with no magnet present the output should actually be midrange, i.e. 2.5V so anything below this is due to the far field of the magnet curving back to its other pole. Hence the 'endstop' resistors R2 and R3 in series with the ends of the potentiometer track in this circuit.
A possibly easier approach to determining a good value for them would be to hook up a 10K pot without them, with a DMM on DC volts safely connected
* between Vin and 'boosted GND', and measure the min. voltage when the motor just cuts out and the voltage at which the motor reaches max. speed (past which turning the pot further does not make any difference to the speed), then doing the math to calculate them and choosing the next lower preferred value.
Note that there may be an internal 10K input resistor between Vin and 'boosted GND' inside the motor controller, which affects the calculation - you can confirm if that's the case by disconnecting the mains supply, and measuring resistance between those terminals with nothing connected to them. If there is one, a lower value pot may be desirable for better linearity, but not less than 1K, (which with endstop resistors, shouldn't pull more current than a AH49E).
If math and basic circuit analysis aren't your strong points, post your measured voltages, total potentiometer track resistance, and measured input resistance of the controller here and I'll quite happily 'crunch the numbers' and suggest resistor values.
* The whole control circuit is 'mains' LIVE and a serious electrical shock hazard, so use clip on probes and make sure they are securely connected *before* connecting the mains supply. If using a cheap DMM with a suspect or no CAT rating, don't touch it or its leads while mains is connected. Also, mount the pot to something or clamp it in a rubber jawed vice so you don't have to hold it, and put a plastic knob on it, don't try to turn its shaft directly with your fingers!