I need to chase the voltages in a failed PSU, to find the fault. The current in the circuit will have to be limited, to prevent further damage, while I am testing it. I am familiar with the Dim Bulb approach, but, while so very simple, that device ends up being large, creates a lot of heat and the bulbs are fragile and not so cheap, anymore.
This device is a common voltage regulator, in a variable current regulator configuration, nested in a bridge rectifier. But, there is not much discussion of it.
http://www.seekic.com/circuit_diagram/Electrical_Equipment_Circuit/LOW_RFI_AC_LIMITER.htmlIf there are no other real concerns with it, then it would be very easy and cheap to assemble. I already have all the components in stock.
I am also aware of capacitive AC voltage droppers. Is there anyway to configure that to control current variably? I know caps for AC are a special type.
I just learned of Current Regulating Diodes, but they do not carry very much current.
I know that voltage can be controlled by PWM. Any way to do that with current?
I have an extra AC-AC SSR, on hand. All the usual DC parts; MOSFETs, Transistors, Op Amps, etc.
The DUT PSU is a 0-30V/0-3A Linear DC supply. It is powered from a 24VAC transformer, which is rectified with a Full Bridge. Regulation is by Op Amps, MOSFETs and transistors.
Dream design goals might be 120VAC/0-3A/60Hz(USA). That would let me deal with most any AC device. Cheap and simple; a Variac is not in the budget.
I am just not so familiar with AC. I need some direction and suggestions... Devices and circuit names to research... Please and thank you!