Can anyone suggest MOSFET choices for use in analogue switching applications. I haven't had much experience with discrete electronics, mainly just using BJTs for digital switches, so I'm not sure what the key properties I'd be looking for are. My use case here is using MOSFETs as analogue switches, as smaller-board-space cheaper-price options instead of analogue switching ICs. I've read over the MOSFETs section in Horowitz and Hill, but I suspect all its discussion of options for MOSFETs is probably quite out of date when searching for arts to buy. I do know I'm never going to need >150mA current, going to be working with 5V supplies, I want to have the most minimal voltage drop across them, want to avoid super-sensitive parts with ESD vulnerabilities so severe you can't handle them easily, and want parts which are available as through-hole for breadboard prototyping then SOT-23 for PCB design.