Do you really want to know why cascode bjt blocks came about?, well the gm of a valve is about 1 to 5mA/V this similar to FET's , a common bjt such as the 2n3904 has a transconductance(gm) in the region of 80mA/V.Clearly, for radio front ends and I.F.'s BJT's produce too much gain bandwidth product so in an attempt to reduce gain radio designers(1960's) needed a way to reduce gain in BJT's and so the BJT cascode was devised.
If you try and use BJT's on your front end radio design, you will end up with an oscillating mess.
increase stable gain*?
A cascode also removes one layer of Early effect, which isn't a big deal for BJTs (or the same thing in FETs, channel length modulation), but was of key importance for triodes, back in the day.
The removal of feedback capacitance is critical to improving the stability at high gain. If the reverse-transfer coupling is greater than reciprocal gain (s12 > 1 / s21), you might not necessarily get an oscillator, but under practical conditions, with a tuned and matched source and load... yep, it's going nutzo.
You can get something like 30dB of gain from a 2N3904 at wideband frequencies (say 1MHz or so), but if the feedback capacitance is effectively taking the output and dividing it by, say, 24dB, then the extra 6dB goes back through the amplifier and oscillates. Contingent on its not being absorbed by the input source, or phase shifted away, of course.
The most common way to address it is with neutralization: connecting an inductor in parallel with C-B. Obviously, with the help of a coupling capacitor (Xc << Z), and usually with a generous resistance (R ~= Z) to stretch bandwidth, at the expense of gain.
Back in the day, feedback capacitance was addressed by placing extra grids between grid and plate, shielding their electric fields. This went to quite a meticulous end, as tubes like 6AU6 achieved extremely low feedback capacitances: on the order of 0.002pF (relative to input/output capacitances on the order of 10 and 5pF). This allowed extremely high gain per stage (mainly limited by the impedance achievable on the tuning coils), 40dB being easily achieved.
I'm not sure if any semiconductor devices have yet come along which match the feedback performance of pentodes, but MOSFETs of similar construction (namely, dual-gate FETs with the upper gate grounded, effectively making a monolithic cascode!), and many RF-voodoo parts (PHEMTs, HBTs, etc.), do achieve very low feedback capacitances, which allows them to provide very good gain, at much higher frequencies (like, 30dB, from a single component, at 5GHz!).