Watching Phil's Lab video on calculating the value for the inductor and want to know what units he used to get the 23uH value for the inductor.
Vout = 16V
Vin = 5V
Eff = 0.8
Fsw = 1.5MHz
First he uses the estimation formula for the inductor ripple current = 0.3 * Iout (max) * Vout/Vin = 96mA
Then he feeds the inductor ripple current into the inductance formula (Vin(Vout - Vin) ) / Vout * f * IL = 23uH
Does he express the 1.5MHz frequency as 1.5 and ripple current as 0.096
1.5MHz frequency as 1.5 and ripple current as 96, then multiplies everything by 1000 ?