I do not know what to say , my own brain shows
OL, on the LCD on my head..
I tried to use sorter coaxed leads , so to eliminate any interference.
Replaced the battery with new .
No gain at all , or very small.
The only things that I can say as confirmed ,
Is that the Low Pass filter it does cause extra burden on the weak signals in volts.
Also , there is a good stability about the frequency 52Hz and the 50% Duty cycle,
on this small DMM.
I have an better signal generator , but I have no control about duty cycle.
And so with out the little UNI-T I would be unable, even to tell how the duty cycle looks like , on the Fluke.
Shafri is correct about the signal, that is centered at 0V ,
that's why I was trying to measure at Min-Max Peak .
In this scenario ( square wave) , by measuring in any other mode ,
you get mostly atmospheric charge than true voltage,
In the beginning I had the two DMM connected by their leads = 2.5 meters long antenna
The oscillator on the DMM it is very weak ,
and the locked frequency of 50Hz , an truly stupid idea , it is identical with the Mains network !!
My opinion is that it should be designed to be at the acoustic spectrum 200KHz - 1000KHz
Any way it is the second time , that I explored the potentials of this oscillator ,
and proved that I wasted my time on it.
Yes , all of you , you are correct ,
I have to add on my wish list one true capable signal generator,
and one oscilloscope , if I need to fight with the waves , and win .