OK, I'm an old fart and have done this for quite a few years, and I'll state that it's not useless. It is actually trying to teach you a few simple rules. KVL = mesh and KCL = Nodal. Learn these grasshopper and they will stand you in good stead for the rest of your lifer

Now to your nodal equations. KCL states that the currents into and out of a node sum to zero.
So we have node 1 which is at the top of Z4, (node 2 at top of Z5). I'm assuming here that the 'earth' is at the bottom of Z4, but in reality you can throw that wherever you want. Node 1 has 4 currents into / out of.
Branch 1 = (N1 - V1)/ Z1. A simple ohms law.
Branch 2 = N1/Z4. as the bottom of Z4 = 0 volts (earth) then N1 - 0 = N.
Branch 3 = (N1 - N2)/ Z2. A simple ohms law.
Now the tricky branch 4. Here the question is trying to teach you something. Nodes 1 and 2 are connected by a voltage. This means that whatever the voltage is at node 1 then the voltage at node 2 will be V3 less than. Doesn't matter what all the other branches are doing -
Node 2 will be V3 less than Node 1.
N1 = N2 + V3
This is showing you that in this Nodal instance you only need to actually solve for N1. N2 is just going to be V3 less.