I am not sure if your board needs only three wires, Pin 2,3 and 5 for TX, RX and ground OR if it wants all 9 pins available for things like CTS, RTS and so forth. If flow control is used it is probably hardware implemented and not software implemented. Software X-On / X-Off went out with the dinosaurs but CTS / RTS is still popular with the RS-232 signalling. 99% of RS-232 devices will work fine with +/- 5 volt signalling levels and probably 80% will work with levels as low as +/- 3 volts. Fast baud rates are evil with marginal cables and marginal signal levels!! 115K Baud gets iffy in probably 50% of all the stuff I have had to service. Can you get both ends to slow down to 38.4K Baud? This will often be more reliable.