Hi, First time post. I am just getting started with electronics. watching alot of youtube and reading alot.
My Initial understanding of a mosfet was that once the Gate threshold voltage was met than the gate was fully opened.
Than I watched this video about Electronic Speed Control:
If you skip to the 12 minute mark, the author says that the Source Voltage can never be higher than the Gate Voltage and it is reduced by the threshold voltage?
This threw me for a loop??
So I took a look at the data sheet for the mosfet he is using, IRF3205:
http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/irf3205.pdfAm I right by looking at the Fig 1 chart "Typical Output Characteristics" @ T=25C, that a Gate voltage of 5 volts would allow a source voltage of around 20 volts and an Amperage around 30 amps?
The Bold curves representing the values of the gate voltage. The 2nd lowest line representing 5 volts, and following that line to the end, the bottom 'Vds' graph takes us just past 20 volts, and the side 'Id' graph takes us just above 30 amps.
So even my initial understanding was wrong, and it appears that the amount of voltage at the gate does effect the source. (Although it appears to effect the amps more).
So is my understanding right?
Which would mean the author of the video is wrong?
If not, can someone explain it to me?
That said, the first 12 minutes were very good and helped me get a grasp on E.S.C. with EMF control.