I see the cpt board.
Don't use the tv until repaired. If the sound are sparks can make a fire.
C406 seems to be a decoupling capacitor for the horizontal driver, and R416 is relatively high. Perhaps is to limit the current if T401 or to lower the voltage (not very good method)
You need to locate the origin of sparks. It is difficult to identify the noises in the recording.
Check if the high voltage wire is well inserted in the fbt. In some fbts this cable is replaceable, and if it is loose, you can have sparks in the "connector" (is a hole where you put the wire with the end peeled, and a collar to retain it.). Send a photo of the point of entry of the cable in the fbt.
Check if the ground wire is well connected to the braid that is in contact with the exterior of thr crt. (the G point in cpt board)
You can power the tv in a dark room (have a flashligh in hand
), wait a time to adapt the sight to darkness an look for sparks.
You can also use a plastic pipe over your ear as stethoscope to search the origin of noises. Use a moderately long pipe, at least 30 cm, you don't want your ear too near from high voltage.
And don't mess more with the horizontal deflection, your original trouble is not here almost surely.
These are old tricks, be careful and do not work alone, is better to have somebody that can disconnect power in case of accident, crt tvs are dangerous.