I think R93/R94 are all 5 milliohm resistors.
Logically it makes sense. But that would be the first time I see 5M0 used for 5 mOhm.
And yes R005 is 5 mOhm, not 50.
Also, the second one is clearly replaced. Those may be discharge resistors and the other one was also 5 Meg and got swapped with a complete opposite.
Yes, sometimes this is really confusing.
I think 5 megohm chip resistors should be marked 505 or 5004 (actually 5 megohms are rare, even much rarer than 4.99 or 5.11 megohms, and 5 milliohms shunt is common).
When people ask for help identifying components, it's a good idea to upload both a picture with details and a picture that shows the surrounding circuitry.