What else is around that area? They look as if they are stitching two copper fills together at high frequencies. Could be an EMC measure, in which case the caps might be of different value. Is any of the two fills ground?
The obvious thing is to measure a few from that row (go to a local electronics store, they should have something that measures small caps). This looks like 0805. If they are all the same then buy 5 of those. If not, measure the last ones from the complete row next to it.
Apart from that you can leave it as it is, I doubt it would have any real effect on operation, remember they have large tolerances. I see another row next to that, you can desolder one from there and bring it over to balance things out a bit.
£65 for 3 0805s sounds like a terrible waste. Also, be careful with the ebay board, there seem to be different revisions if you just google the board number.