Hence we need 5V headroom voltage in this design.
For example: now the LM317 produces 12V output(17V input), It has to pass through BD139(we assume that it is working in saturation), then drop between collector will be 0.2V. That means Vce=0.2V, Then a potentiometer is present between Collector to emitter terminal which takes this 0.2V.
1)How this 0.2V will forward bias base t0 emitter junction which is 0.7V? how current limiting is happening?
2) In what configuration the transistor is connected?
Hello again,
Why do you care about current limiting in this circuit if it is an inferior design?
The output transistor works as a voltage follower, but just like other transistor voltage followers, it's imperfect which means we lose some aspects of the ability to regulate the output.
As I was saying, it's an interesting design because it makes a simple current booster for the LM317. A voltage follower cannot increase the voltage at the emitter, but it can increase the current though the emitter. That's the current boost.
I believe the design can be improved but you would have to find a way to regulate the output voltage. Just guessing for now, maybe connect the emitter to the voltage adjustment divider with the pot. Just a guess for now I did not evaluate this yet.
As to current limit, it's going to be the same as with any of these. When the LM317 puts out it's max current, that's it, the 2N3055 gets as much base current as it's ever going to get, and that limits the total output current which is the sum of the LM317 output and the current though the collector of the 2N3055. If the Beta of the transistor is 10 and the LM317 innate current limit is 1 amp, then the total output current will be 11 amps. If the gain of the transistor is 20 and the LM317 current limit is 1 amp, then the max output current is 21 amps.
So it's an interesting idea but needs improvement. My guess is that connecting the emitter to the adjustment divider might help with the voltage regulation, although the current limit set point is only a rough estimate because of the unspecified transistor Beta, which can vary. In some cases that is good, in others not good at all. Doing that the other stuff like that extra 1N4007 diode can be removed as well as the BD139 transistor I would think because they would no longer be needed in the circuit.