"Warning"? Thanks a lot.
But yeah, the TLP3910 is nice. I thought Vishay was state-of-the-art here, but am mistaken.
Downside to the TLP3910 is that you'll need a voltage booster circuit for driving the LED. But that's pretty simple.
Sorry, I didn't mean to offend. Just in case you miss the 9v and do not use a logic level mosfet, you may potentially have a partially turned on mosfet baking circuit if you are driving a huge amount of current.
I do not think that it is if Vishay is state-of-the-art or not, they must have a real reason for their 9v we just do not know about. The toshiba part probably just has 2x in series compared to the vishay part.
It could be something as annoying as a patent rights issue.
If you have a 5v rail somewhere, then all you need is an open-collector output to drive the LED.
I would personally recommend a transistor driver as ~15ma on an MCU IO is doable, but I know something like a 2n3904 or 2n2222 will always hit the LED at my prescribed current through a series resistor.