Sorry, but I don't understand. If we see the schematics of the RC filter:

Here if we start at V_in, first we get to the resistor then parallel connected capacitor and finally the V_out. If we change V_in and V_out, then first we get to the capacitor then resistor, and the output.
Current doesn't start out like someone driving from city to city.
For current to flow into one terminal, it must simultaneously flow out the other one.
Draw a battery across your input terminals with the positive to the top terminal & the negative to the bottom terminal.
Imagine Conventional current flowing through the circuit.
Draw in the polarities of the voltages across the components (to not get confused by the capacitor charging, imagine you are looking at the circuit during an infinitesmally small stretch of time.)
The voltage across R will be more positive at the end connected to the positive batt terminal than the end connected to C.
In the same way,the voltage across C will be more positive at the end connected to R, than at the end connected to the negative terminal.
Now, imagine Electron flow.
The voltage across R will be more positive at the end connected to the positive batt terminal than the end connected to C.
In the same way,the voltage across C will be more positive at the end connected to R, than at the end connected to the negative terminal.
The effect upon the circuit is exactly the same, whichever convention you use.In the early days, it was assumed that current flowed from positive to negative.
A whole lot of theoretical & practical concepts were built on the basis of Conventional current flow, & these were too useful to discard, so were kept for most purposes, along with the assumed direction of current flow.
In the heyday of vacuum tubes, when Electron flow was an important concept, Students would take about 20 minutes to understand the fact that there is no difference in circuit behaviour, whichever convention was used, & that it was sometimes easier to use one concept, & sometimes the other.
Some people are so protective of Conventional current flow, that the very mention of Electron flow makes them react as if you insulted their mother!