I got tired of the interfaces in PSPICE, SIMPLIS, LTSPICE, PSIM... so I write my own I call Bolt, which is very new and uses the open source NGSPICE simulator. It is designed to be a nice looking, light weight frontend the complements the SPICE code instead of trying to fully abstract it. It is very early and will have a lot more features added, but if you want to give it a try you can go to:
https://www.circuitanalysis.com/You have to make an account to download it, but it is free for both Mac and Windows and I plan to add Linux at some point. I setup a discord in case anyone want's to chat in real-time to ask questions or give feedback.
I also have made and will make more video tutorials on how to simulate different types of circuits in this YouTube playlist:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPJa0dSdlB4XFScl976TVHVoVZS2a58-aBesides Bolt, for free options I would recommend checking out:
-QSPICE (written by the guy who wrote LTSPICE)
-Micro-Cap (written buy a guy who retired and decided to make it free now bit it won't get any more updates)
Note that all SPICE simulators are based on Berkley-SPICE, so they all basically have a graphical part where you draw your circuit that it then transforms into a netlist and runs through the SPICE solver to create a data file, which is then loaded into a waveform viewer.