So here is an attempt to design an electrical delay line oscillator, I couldn't label the emitter and collector properly, but its some way around I'm not sure yet.
You close the switch and it will inject the capacitor pulse into it, and the transistors will continue to repeat it like its a little particle accelerator on your desk. The cap pulse will go around in a loop indefinitely, keep getting repeated at each side of it.
This cannot have a speaker output, because its too high frequency, you need to have an average oscilloscope to see if it oscillates, I'm not sure if it does, and I don't have an oscilloscope to test it.
So I'm not sure how I'm going to do this, without an oscilloscope.
At 4m wire length its under 100 mhz in oscillation speed at 4 metres im just saying you need 100mhz rated oscillator to read the oscillation of it.
If you decrease the length of the wire to 1mm, but the transistor legs are too long, it should be approximately 100 gigahertz.