What knowledge do you currently have? What are you aiming to learn? What equipment do you own to aid your learning?
Electronics and computer engineering are both vast, vast fields, wanting to learn both of them is quite a large undertaking if you want to reach degree level knowledge...
If your aim is to be a self taught engineer, I'm sorry but you're going to have to read books. The mathematics involved simply cannot be substituted with a hands on approach.
If you just want knowledge of circuits then start prototyping and building. Breadboards, simulations, soldering up the circuits, etc are things that can't be overlooked nor would I advise you to be spoon fed on doing such exercises, use whatever resources in your aid not as your provider.
Also, give it time. You don't become an engineer overnight, you need to let things sink in enough until you grok it over.... Start by looking up what the word grok means if you don't already know.