Thanks. I guess if it's anything like the Hitachi, then pin1 is +5V and pin2 is ground, with pin3 being a variable pot to control contrast which connects to pin1 and pin2). Connecting a multimeter am I checking for resistance between pins? For example, the data pins should be high impedance because they are not allowing much current flow but just acting to switch transistors? Whereas the power pins should have a lower resistance because they allow current to flow through the display?
The LCD I have has 13 pins. Hitachi uses 16. However, I will assume no backlight so we can remove the pin15 and pin16 for backlight voltages. Now assuming we are still using pin4,5,6 the same as on a Hitachi (to the command/character, read/write and E toggle) that would leave only 7 data pins which is 128 bit. I guess it could have a restricted set of characters being a dedicated application, no need for more.