I just got my used Aoyue 6028 today... So I decided to take it apart and check it out and the safeness of it since it was made in china .. To my surprise its not to bad I think .But it has 2 TIP122 stack on each in one hole but sure the purpose but still checking it out....
Not sure but it hooks up to the blower fan which is a 12v 1w fan.. I was thinking that they are prone to failure and that's there as a back up... I was looking around at the Tip102 but the Tip142 might be a better option ...
Sorry correction
The tip122 power the fan but goes to the control board and might power the heating element but not sure.. I will have to do some leg work and find out how it works..
Well I did some more work and frankly it scary as hell working on this thing... The blower motor is is not terminated right and wire are exposed ... The 2 Tip122 get really hot and have not heatsink or even a fan blowing on it .. I would like to redo the PCB with a better design and more room for a heat sink but cad skills suck and I have a hard time even trying to use it ..So does anyone have any ideas ???Could I use MOSFET instead of the Darlington ??The Darlington is feed from the transfomer with ac voltage which head to a triac that controls the heating elements ..What I am trying to do eliminate the double stack Darlington's and possibly use only one but not sure of the 10 amp rating will be enough or use a logic lvl get.. Do you think I should reuse the board or try building a better one
I was thinking last night and I wondered if I could remove the 2 tip122 and mount remotely 1 Tip142 with a large heatsink on perfboard with using wires to connect the two?? Or is the 2 Darlington sharing the heat so one doesn't over heat