You mentioned accuracy at lower current such as <10mA, so I am asking... does it mean we cannot get these currents at all or just some error? like you want 10mA and get 11mA or so?
I need to remind you, since I am using a panel meter that means such very good accuracy is not needed. All I need to do is to calibrate the panel meter itself. As long as I can get 1 mA output and read it on the panel meter (supports only 10mA range, so it is 10mA minimum accuracy for the whole project) then I am OK.
I told you that I want 1V per 1A which is still valid, but I would not worry too much about accuracy in the < 10mA range since I am using a panel meter. So a rough 1V\1A is nice enough for this project.
I assume anyone serious has E12 1/4W 5% or better resistors between 1R and 1Meg in stock. If not, you'll have to improvise with series/parallel combos.
I think I will make combos, like 1k||1K = 500. I think this 500 seems to have a relationship with 1v\1a right? I tried to make it 1k and it didn't work.
The six caps (two decoupling + one per OPAMP in the feedback loop) are unavoidable if you want to avoid it oscillating. 100pF is just a best guess for the feedback cap - you'd need to build one MOSFET + OPAMP loop and check what value gives the best step response. In the sim, 820pF looks good, with a critically damped minimal overshoot step response.
How about 1nF for opamp caps and 1uF for decoupling? I guess all ceramic caps will be good enough. I don't have oscilloscope (nor the knowledge) to test such circuits. 1nF seems nice value and a common one, if not, then 10nF or so.
If you are feeding Vctrl from a 10K pot, you'll need to buffer it with an OPAMP like Dave's design did if you want good linearity. Unfortunately that takes us back to needing very good OPAMPs or a 7V or higher Vcc supply to them if you want a full 0-5V for 0-5A control range.
So only 10-turn pot and that is it.
However, 5A is gonna be massive. Like, putting 30v x 5A = 150 W -> 37.5 Watts per branch! No way the heatsink will be able to dissipate that. I think 30v\2A is very nice... 15 watts per branch -> = 0.2*2*2 = 0.8 watts in Rs which is good. If I didn't get a big heatsink (my friend promised one) then it is back to 1.5A.
I could just use a voltage divider before the 10-turn pot to make the range. simulation shows 4.3V on Vcc and it will be true since I will use 1N4001\7 diode (-0.7v drop)... then 1k + 1k divider gives 2.15 maximum voltage which means around 64.5 watts maximum in worst case.
However if you were adding a MCU
Not in this version, probably in future upgrade like Scullcom design. You still didn't comment about it BTW.
If you decide to experiment further with the 2N2222 gate pulldown current limiting idea, to avoid the last digit jumping around as the limiting cuts in and out, you need to locate your panel meter so the gate pulldown current does *NOT* flow through it. e.g. put it between the circuit 0V rail and the negative terminal for connecting the external supply you are testing.
I still don't understand why its current will interfere in the circuit. Is there anything else wrong with this method besides this?
All I understand is the gate will have a voltage, then if current is increased this voltage will increase which activates the transistor to pull the gate of mosfet down.
However, my values are different than original design (he used 47k) but I think the voltage will be Vbe/0.2 but how did you calculate it? I mean, if current makes voltage very slightly more across 0.2R then how does this equal to the amount we need to keep it regulated between all 4 branches? how to determine that?