I bought a second hand kindle (the old one - never figured iut what it is called, touch I think as it's an early touch screen) and after some use it became aparent that maybe the battery is not what it was once.
Can they be changed ? I can't see any way of unscrewing the back and would rather have assurances that I can get it back on again or am doing it right before i just rip it off.
if it's assembled like my Android Tablet, the top fits into the notches in the bottom, and the best way to separate the top from the bottom is to enter pieces of credit card like plastic in the crack all around the display and pry to get the top notches away from the bottom recesses, adding more pieces as you open more of the case until a side is out, then 2, then 3 and last the side that has the jacks/inputs/outputs. Have to be careful not to damage the display.
My first tablet I opened out of curiosity. Gave me the method for when my latest tablet went into a freeze with noises emanating from it (the sound of a quick firing relay buzz), all buttons dead forcing me to open it pronto. (I think the mini USB cable being pushed sideways caused it) After a number of minutes (had to find old credit cards, bank cards, cut them up, seemed to be harder to do the second time around, must have been because of the noise pressuring me), the case was opened, I unsoldered one battery wire to stop operation, then resoldered the wire. Clicked the top back into the case, then rebooted. Months later still working. Had loaded jelly bean months before and the battery indicator remained stuck at 99% and 100% regardless if the battery was full or dead or anything in between. By unsoldering the battery cable and resoldering, the battery indicator was reset and now goes from 0 to 100% and everything in between indicating true battery condition. Nice to fix two bugs with one open.