yep quite correct 12A 45w 65v so 3 of em in parallel 
Ever heard of transistor SOA (Safe Operating Area) and specifically for BJTs, secondary breakdown?
At high Vce, (e.g. if the output is shorted) you'll be lucky if your transistors can handle even 2.5A each even if you put them on a water-cooled heatsink held below 25 deg C.
I cant find a good datasheet for your transistors, but lets consider a
TIP3055, which is nominally 15A, 60V, 90W. At 30V Vce, its only good for 3A steady state, *IF* you can keep its mounting surface below 25 deg C. (see datasheet fig. 2). That's the highest voltage at which you can get the rated wattage out of it. Above that voltage secondary breakdown limits the permitted current more stringently so you cant get the nominal wattage.
As fourtytwo42 has pointed out, to implement a high current linear regulator capable of 30V out would require a massive array of pass transistors on an absolutely ludicrously large heatsink, probably with forced air cooling. Getting enough base drive without either slugging the bandwidth resulting in very poor transient response, or running into massive instability issues is going to be very challenging, especially in a LDO topology.