I'm not sure how you can have constant current AND constant voltage, but anyway.
On 14.40V the current fell back to 265mA and didn't move for an hour, so I took that (and a quick read on battery university) to mean it was fully charged. I dropped it back to a float voltage of 13.5V (based on BU) and it seemed to stablise at 50mA after about 15 minutes.
I have taken it off the charger and will now let it rest.
I'll check it's fully charged; by checking it's voltage after 24 hours is still above 13V, ideally 13.1V and 13V after 48hours.
Of course this poor thing is about to be stuck in a bike outside, sit idle for weeks at a time, often in sub zero temps and then have 14.40V applied to it while getting cooked by the engine next door for an hour, for the rest of it's life! I might as well baby it now.