Thanks, I’ll look them up!
I’ve seen some rather elaborate designs out there, but I’m looking for something a bit more simple so I can wrap my head around the operation of the circuit and actually know what is going on rather than just following someone else’s schematic.
I was watching a video on YT yesterday, uses a couple of op amps, one as a differential amp, the other as a comperator to drive the feedback on a switching regulator, which I assume could also be used to feedback into my linear regulator to cause it to reduce the regulated output when it reaches the current limit? Here is a link to the video, the schematic is at about the 8 minute mark: obtain my 5A limit, I’d have to substitute a 200 milliohm resistor in place of the 1 ohm current sense. To obtain adjustment down to about 10mA I’d just use the 1 ohm. As suggested before, maybe incorporate a rotary switch to switch the current sense resistors to obtain the desired limit range.
Should this work, any suggestions for improvement?