SSD1306 and SH1106 are for OLED displays. If the Roland has an LCD display then it won't be one of those controllers.
It could have a similar instruction set but the init sequence would probably be different.
But the display that was already tried and partially working is OLED, so the one in Roland should be also OLED.
There is no way regular LCD initialization code would even remotely work for OLED.
Also, there is no backlight voltage on the connector, so it is 100% OLED.
The OLED controller manufacturers realised that having a command set nearly identical to existing LCD controllers would decrease design-in effort, so they did. For example,
0x = set column start address LSB
1x = set column start address MSB
20 xx = set memory addressing mode
21 xx yy = set column address
22 xx yy = set page address
40~7f = set display start line
81 xx = set contrast
a0, a1 = segment output direction
a4, a5 = normal, pixel test (all on)
a6, a7 = normal/inverted mode
ae, af = display on, display off
bx = set RAM page start address
c0, c8 = set COM output direction
e3 = nop
0x = set column start address LSB
1x = set column start address MSB
20~27 regulator resistor select
40~7f = set display start line
81 xx = set reference voltage (contrast)
a0, a1 = segment output direction
a4, a5 = normal, pixel test (all on)
a6, a7 = normal/inverted mode
ae, af = display on, display off
bx = set RAM page start address
c0, c8 = set COM output direction
e2 = reset
e3 = nop
The former is the common OLED controller that's been discussed in this thread previously, the latter is an older LCD controller from the late 90s/early 2000s that doesn't offer windowing/scrolling capabilities. Another one similar to the latter is the Sitronix ST7565P.