I've noticed that everyone talks about Bambu Lab printers and others, but noone talks about Qidi.
After watching a massive amount of review and unboxing videos over a complete weekend, I decided to buy an X-Plus 3 to print mechanical parts, electronic cases and similar things. My order was placed on a Tuesday evening, the printer arrived only two days later at Thursday, which was already nice. It comes with a heated chamber, something that is missing on other printers.
It won't win a price for best optics, honestly I'm waiting for the printer to stand up and transform into a robot like in a bad movie, but it worked right out of the box with the brass nozzle and the 500 g of PLA Rapido filament, that came with it.
Meanwhile I already switched to the high temperature hotend with the hardened steel nozzle and to ABS-GF, which again worked right away.
I found the Orca Slicer works best for me.
Overalls the print results are amazing, the chances of having a failed print are very small and are mostly due to me being new in this field and the slicer software. All my prints were done without touching any of the print parameters themselves and this is what I really like about it. I don't want to care about the printer, I just want to use it as a tool and not as a platform for modifications. I don't need multicolor options nor do I print creatures, figures or toys.
So if you want to print technical filaments you might want to consider this printer as well. The only sad point is, chamber, bed and hotend won't go high enough in temperature to also print PEEK, PEKK or PEI, but none of the printers in this price class can do that.