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EEVblog – Podcast

A Podcast feed for the EEVBlog

EEVblog #30 – Jaycar Bench Lab Power Supply Review

Dave checks out an el-cheapo Jaycar lab power supply. What do you get for 150 bucks? (Something went horribly wrong with the camcorder and the end summary didn’t get recorded, oops. It gets a thumbs sideways. Would have been better if it had better resolution on the adjustments, no overshoot, …

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EEVblog #29 – Audiophile Audiophoolery

Dave cuts loose on the Golden Ear Audiophiles and all their Audiophoolery rubbish. Panasonic gets a serve too, or is that applause? The Blue Jeans cable LINK And Kurt Denke’s response to the infamous letter: LINK The Panasonic design guide is HERE and the rest of it HERE Post your …

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