EEVblog – Podcast

A Podcast feed for the EEVBlog

EEVblog #222 – Lab Power Supply Design – Part 2

PART 1 is HERE: Part 2 of Dave’s constant current linear regulated lab power supply design. An in-depth look at the LT3080 datasheet, the LM334 current source, and a few more circuit tweaks before it’s ready to build in the next episode to see if it works! And thanks …

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EEVblog #221 – Lab Power Supply Design – Part 1

Dave shows you how to design a simple constant current and constant voltage lab power supply that can be either software (PIC/AVR microcontroller) or traditional pot controlled. Starting with the venerable LM317, and ending up with an LT3080 solution, and the some thought processes that go into it all. …

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