Miscellaneous Stuff

Nothing to really do with the EEVblog, but thought I’d share anyway.

New EEVblog WordPress Comment System – Disqus

I’m sick of the old WordPress comment system. It’s hopeless, and there is now way too much spam. So I have just installed the Disqus plugin that will hopefully be much better. You’ll be able to log into the comment using any existing social media account you have, and it …

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Tagarno Microscope Recording Success

For those following my progress on a setup to capture the Targano microscope output. I have had success using a cheap $160 gamer capture device, direct to SD card from the HDMI output. The Avermedia Live Gamer Portable So much for Tagarno insisting that I need a $1K+ gamer level …

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New EEVblog Lab VDSL2 Internet Connection

Dave tests out his newly installed 8M/8M symmetrical VDSL2 internet connection in the EEVblog lab. Building Connect And for those that don’t believe that Telstra charge $8000/month for 10M/10M business Ethernet connection, here you go. Planet Telecommunications VC-230N Ethernet over VDSL2 router

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EEVblog Lab Shelving Upgrade Continues

The EEVblog lab continues to get upgraded. Some more shelving installed in the office cubicle. Another lot to go in the main area, and a new island bench to come as well. Still have 3.7m of ESD matting left over from that 10m roll. They fitted just perfectly in the …

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