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Miscellaneous Stuff

Nothing to really do with the EEVblog, but thought I’d share anyway.

Server Move – Hang Tight

I’m moving the blog back to my old server. This could take a day or so to do and propagate through the DNS system. So please don’t post comments during this time as they will be lost. If the site goes down or otherwise acts strange, this is the reason. …

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Vote for Pedro, or Dave?

I’ve entered the iiNet Top Geek competition! Please vote here: http://www.topgeek.iinet.net.au/entry/view/255 No need to sign up, just click on the VOTE button! Thanks!

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Dihydrogen Monoxide

I wanted to test my RSS feed, so had to post something. This one is from the vault. Winner of the 2008 Earth Prize short film festival. Beware of the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide

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