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Miscellaneous Stuff

Nothing to really do with the EEVblog, but thought I’d share anyway.

More µCurrents available

UPDATE: SOLD OUT in about 10 minutes, sorry! More on order, sending to the assemblers today. I have 15 more µCurrent’s available now. To be fair, I will list them on my shop tomorrow, Friday, 6 January at 9AM Sydney time. CLICK HERE for the timezone conversions. First in gets …

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µCurrent’s available again

UPDATE: Sorry, they sold out overnight again! I have new stock of the µCurrent adapter again: http://www.eevblog.com/projects/ucurrent/ http://www.eevblog.com/shop First in, best dressed, sorry, I do not take backorders nor can I “put one aside for you”.

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Mini Maker Faire Melbourne!

Yes, that’s right, there is now a Maker Faire in Australia! Saturday 14th January 2012 at Swinburne University of Technology in Hawthorn, Victoria. Sign up now and get your FREE tickets. Yes, it’s free, but you do have to register for logistical reasons. Or better yet, show of your own …

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