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Miscellaneous Stuff

Nothing to really do with the EEVblog, but thought I’d share anyway.

400th LIVE Show – Dec 15th

I’ll be doing another live show this Sat 15th Dec 7:30am Sydney time. Click HERE for the time zone conversions. And the Live show tab above for details of how to participate.

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Korad PSU Follow-up

Charles Holtom from TrioSmartCal did this follow-up video on the fixed Korad power supply that failed. The Failure video www.triosmartcal.com.au

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Live Show 8th October

Time for another Live EEVblog show. TOMORROW – Mon 8th Oct SYDNEY TIME. The usual Q&A banter. The link here has all timezones. You can watch live here, and the usual chat on Ustream/IRC. http://www.eevblog.com/live-show/

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